Commodores Winter Newsletter & 2021 Tide tables

2021 Tidetable – Dale Sailing

Dear members

I just wanted to write a quick message to all the members and friends of PYC, firstly to thank you all for your continued support during this topsy turvy year and to wish you all a very merry Christmas – hoping that you can still have a nice festive season with this latest lockdown taking over again.

Hopefully 2021 will see things get back to some sort of ‘Normal’…

The current situation with the Club is that PYC is coping ok.

Obviously, the bar has had to close for a large chunk of the year, but this has been supported by government grants which has enabled us to keep our heads above the water, and with the furlough system we have been able to keep all the staff on the books too, so hopefully this will continue until normal operations can resume.

The compound resurfacing is looking great, and this will ensure the boat parking will continue to be a vital source of income for the Club for many years to come. The boat park is still close to full capacity, having received quite a few new applications this year but we still have spaces for some boats depending on size, if you are looking to store your boat somewhere.

Believe it or not, we have been able to fit in some dinghy sailing around lockdown conditions also, with some sailing in the latter half of the summer, and we have just completed the Winter series at PYC with some 20 boats taking part since October. Luckily, it was not too cold either, as social distancing rules meant we were not allowed to use the showers afterwards!

We were not able to hold our AGM back in March unfortunately, but hopefully as soon as we can, we will hold an AGM, but financially the Club is ok and once we get the accounts verified in February, we will post on the Club notice board for all to see, as we did last year.

We hope to continue with planned maintenance works to improve the club where possible next year, with the Children’s room next on the list, then we need to address the condition of the exterior face of the Club as it is starting to give us problems too, but we will persevere… Anyway – hope this gives you a bit on an insight.

Finally, please find below a PDF copy of the 2021 tide tables for Milford Haven that has kindly been passed onto the Club by Dale Sailing. They have also kindly given us a number of hard copies which we will keep behind the bar and given out on request once the bar reopens.

Thank you again for your continued support,

and compliments of the season to you all on behalf of  the PYC Committee.


Christian Smart


Pembrokeshire Yacht Club


Click on the link or picture below to open the Tide tables.

2021 Tide tables – Dale Sailing