Notice of E.G.M.
Notice is hereby given that an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Pembrokeshire Yacht Club will be held at the Clubhouse, Gellyswick Bay on Thursday 16th September 2021 at 19.30 hours.
This is to update members of current climate of Club since we have not been able to hold an AGM since the 2020 AGM was postponed due to the Covid pandemic.
Voting members are required to produce their current membership cards on entry to the meeting. Social members are entitled to attend the meeting but not allowed to vote.
- Apologies.
- To approve the minutes of the 2019 A.G.M.
- To receive the report of the Commodore on the affairs of the Club for the past year (since last AGM 2019/2020) and also update for 2020 to present.
- To receive and if thought fit, adopt the Honorary Treasurer’s Report and statement of accounts for the year ending 30th September 2019 (since last AGM) and also year ending 30th September 2020.
- Appointment of auditors for the years 2020-2021-2022.
- To consider any resolutions. (Members desiring to submit a resolution for consideration at the EGM will send a copy of such resolution to the Honorary Secretary within 14 days of the EGM being posted on the Notice Board. Amendments to such resolutions will be accepted by the Honorary Secretary up to seven days after the resolution has appeared on the Club Notice Board).
- All Club Officers and Committee who have continued to work for the Club through the pandemic are happy to, and will continue to stand until the next AGM, planned for March 2022.Commodore: Vice Commodore: Rear Commodore: Sailing Captain: Rowing Captain: Honorary Treasurer: Honorary Secretary.
- Any other business. Any matters raised under this item cannot form part of the official business of the meeting and thus cannot be proposed as formal motions. This item is included purely to afford members an opportunity for informal discussion on matters since the last AGM.
Date of posting – 27th August, 2021.